my swinging sixties
The long march of the years continue, and the decision to create this website is an online way to collect up my images, poems, art-playing, observations and musings - and is part of strengthening my resolve - to focus on being eco-centric and 'alive to being alive' in my 60s.
Together, we can stop the ecocide tsunami? Solastalgia, like disappointment, is everywhere; there is a creeping sense of overwhelmingness.
Trust in God but tie your camel....
So although living in these 'post-normal times' seem an everyday Herculean challenge, after the oppression of the pandemic, the next few years are for me a time to take responsibility for trying to achieve good outcomes - to do more, step up, stay active, stay fresh - get up, stand up!
Develop wisdom, encourage others and try hard to be a good example to others: working with other fiery spirits and those that want to be the change they want to see in the world:
And, in West Suffolk, as the Green Party's parliamentary candidate.
In solidarity,